Tuesday, October 8, 2013


I've been launched. Launched by the Spirit into the unknown. Launched into deep waters and I can't feel the bottom. Launched but the Spirit is teaching me how to swim. So what have I been launched to? The adoption process. I was adopted as a toddler. It's a part of who I am, extremely near and dear to my heart. My adoption was completely a God thing. I know God intervened on my behalf, picked me up and placed me in a new direction in life, all by being adopted. God stepping down into our lives is beauty and wonder. The best way I know how to say "Thank you" to my parents and to Jesus is by adopting. Adoption has always been a part of my plans, but I had to wait for the open door. As time went on, the calling kept growing. I couldn't deny it, shake it or ignore it. The more complicated pregnancies and pregnancy losses I had, the more I thought pursuing adoption was drawing near. Last year, a friend of mine hosted orphan teenagers sisters from the Ukraine for Christmas, through an orphan hosting agency, New Horizons for Children. I checked into it, but it wasn't time yet. A few weeks ago, I got a message that twin girls from Ukraine needed a place to stay for Christmas. An offer I couldn't refuse. After praying, discussing, Scriptures, and lots of trusting, we decided they could stay with us. Hosting is Not Adoption. Adoption is our future goal, but we aren't quite at that step yet. Hosting takes a good portion of the adoption process out, so if we end up adopting the child we are hosting, the adoption Should be finalized quicker than if we didn't host. And as with adoption, we have to raise funds for hosting. Fundraising is the big step of faith for us. I tried direct sales before, and I am terrible at selling. Ironically, the Spirit put me right into the heat of selling. I have to learn business and fast. As expected in the journey, nothing is finalized until it is. As soon as I started fundraising, I got word that the twins might not be available after all. We went back to where we were before, praying, discussing and trusting. We still believe that God has launched us on this adventure. We are supposed to be fundraising and saving up for the adoption. So we are checking into hosting from China and or possibly the Philippines. Like Abraham, we know God has told us to go on a journey, and like Abraham, we aren't quite sure where we will end up. I've been relatively quiet these past couple weeks, and now you will see what I've been up to- besides getting the house ready too! Follow our adoption adventure on Facebook- Jace & Wren's Adoption Adventure https://www.facebook.com/jaceandwrenadopt Check out my new Etsy shop: Color Motherhood www.etsy.com/shop/ColorMotherhood I sell silicone teething necklaces for mom. They are stylish, fun, and the kids love them. All my kids(ages 1-5)find them very calming and soothing. Makes a great gift! I am also working on selling other craft items. Stay tuned! Love Lindt Chocolate? I do! I am now selling Lindt Chocolate RSVP, taking orders, booking parties and recruiting. What could be better than a chocolate party?! Order some chocolate here www.mylindtchocolatersvp.com/COCOWREN Would rather Donate? Here's where you can: www.gofundme.com/jaceandwrenadopt The blog is also updated. You can now subscribe to the blog and find my links below. Phew! I was extremely nervous about taking on such a large load when my household is already full. But, God is faithful and So incredibly amazing. Coming from a POTS survivor, where I didn't have energy to stand up and walk around the house, I am Loving being so busy taking care of my family and now managing a big undertaking. God has once again stepped down to intervene for me and He is literally carrying me through this. Some have asked what they can do to help. The easiest thing, but so helpful, is going to my links and participating, sharing and inviting your friends. A great way to help even more would be to pass out flyers to local businesses. I want to be respectful of family budgets and don't want to pressure my family and friends to give. These ways are the biggest ways you could help take the pressure off. Pray. Pray for us. Prayer is where the battle is won. Thank you so much! Love you guys! <3


  1. Hi there! I'm Heather and I was wondering if you would be willing to answer my question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)

  2. Love, Love, Love the way you put all of this into words. I have a fire burning in my heart for adoption/fostering, we are leaping back into the process in a few months. We have one adopted daughter (& two biological daughters) and a few months back we thought our family was complete. I just can't be done, knowing that there are children that don't have families. I just can't. "I've been launched. Launched by the Spirit into the unknown. Launched into deep waters and I can't feel the bottom. Launched but the Spirit is teaching me how to swim." Everything you have said, I feel too. I can't express how comforting it is to see someone else say the things that are in my heart as well. "My heart has been hurting more now than ever, as if it's going to explode. Love is vulnerable. Love is dangerous. There's no security net for you as you give someone else security...Isn't it too much? Am I just seeking the next big thing? Until orphans are cared for, I will have so much love it hurts." Thank you.

    Have you heard Hillsong's "Where Feet May Fail"? Beautiful and touching and I feel like it goes right along with our adoption journey so far and what is to come. Also, I love JJ Heller, especially "I Get To Be The One" and "Boat Song".

    -Jennifer (Under my husband's account ;)
